A stunning bouquet that is sure to melt your loved one’s heart. This exquisite bouquet features classic red roses, known for their timeless beauty and symbolizing love and passion, paired with delicate pink garden roses for a touch of romance. The bouquet is further accented by the addition of elegant anemones, adding a pop of bright and unique color. The bouquet is completed with the inclusion of pink hydrangea, known for its fullness and abundance, symbolizing gratitude, in addition to pretty spray roses and veronica. All these elements are hand tied and wrapped in premium paper, providing a final touch of elegance and luxury. Perfect to be given as a gift to a loved one on Valentine’s Day, this bouquet is a lovely way to express your feelings and to add a touch of beauty to any room.
* Our floral inventory changes with the seasons and market availability.
These images are indicative of our general size & style.
We also take suggestions on color palette and feel for each arrangement. If any design elements are of major importance to your order, please include special requests in the delivery instructions at checkout.
Sweet Romance Wrap Bouquet
From $189.99
Please note the image shown is standard version
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