stunning arrangement of delicate and bright blooms, designed to evoke the beauty and tranquility of the ocean. The bouquet features garden roses and ranunculus which are complemented by the delicate blue tweedia and sweet pea, adding a touch of subtle elegance to the arrangement. The spray roses and delphinium provide a burst of bright colors, creating a sense of energy and excitement. The greenery of the eucalyptus adds a natural element, grounding the bouquet and tying all the elements together in perfect harmony.
* Our floral inventory changes with the seasons and market availability.
These images are indicative of our general size & style.
We also take suggestions on color palette and feel for each arrangement. If any design elements are of major importance to your order, please include special requests in the delivery instructions at checkout.
Coastal Serenity
From $224.99
Please note the image shown is standard version
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