Orange Blossom – Official Florida State Flower

The orange blossom was designated the official state flower of Florida in 1909.  The blossom of the orange tree is one of the most fragrant flowers in Florida. Usually when we think of oranges, we think of their citrusy taste, juice, and vitamin C content. However, we often forget that oranges are grown on trees which produce flowers that are equally lovely, possess rich symbolic meanings, and are nearly as aromatic. With a long tradition of being adornments worn by bridal parties during wedding ceremonies, orange blossoms now also represent chastity, purity, good fortune, and fertility.

Facts about orange blossoms

  • Orange blossoms are white, waxy blossoms of orange trees. They bloom in clusters of 1-6 around the springtime and produce oranges when they mature the following autumn or winter.
  • Orange blossom essential oil is rich in chemical compounds that produce desirable aromas. It is known as “neroli”.
  • Orange blossom contains many active ingredients and is widely recognized for its multitude of benefits. The ingredient seems to have calming and anti-spasmodic effects, which could lead to the ability to reduce tension.
  • There are more than 300 kinds of orange trees, from dwarf varieties to large conifers. Sweet orange trees are compact evergreen trees that grow 20-30″ tall with a rounded, symmetrical crown spreading 15-20″ or so. Orange twigs are usually thorny on many cultivars. The bark of orange trees is greenish-brown.

How to grow an orange tree

It is a great investment to grow oranges on your property. Not only do they produce delicious fruits, but you can also sell or preserve them. Orange trees cannot handle frost, nor can they handle temperatures below 45°F, unless you select a variety that has a higher cold tolerance. Put your new trees out in late winter or early spring, depending on the outside temperatures. Seeds for orange trees can be started in the home or purchased at a garden nursery. If you purchase transplants, plant them slightly deeper in the ground than they were planted in their containers.

You can also take the seeds from the fruit after eating it and soak them in water overnight. Then, transplant them 1/2 inch deep into potting soil. Make sure the pot is covered with a plastic bag. It needs to sit in a warm, sunny spot for weeks before it sprouts. This method can take years before you’ll have a fruit harvest.